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Changing Icons In 6670/7610/6630 etc.
» Yes you read it correctly, 6670/7610/6630 etc. can change icons just like 6600. Although its abit complicated, its possible.

Heres how:

Step 1:
Go to themes and choose the theme of which the icons you want to use, press options>edited and change one of the setttings, for example, the colour palette. In my case its the sketch theme

Step 2
Using a program like fexplorer, go to c\system\skins\theme_used_in_step1 and take the ini file

Step 3
Put it into c\system\skins\the_theme_which_you_wana_use. In my case the Avril Lavigne Theme

Step 4
If there is any ini file inside, delete it, then, rename the ini file to the name of the folder

Step 5
You are done, exit the fexplorer and apply your theme

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